Insight Meditation Resources
Insight Chicago
Insight Meditation/Vipassana sangha, offering various sitting groups/locations and Days of Mindfulness and retreats, as well as meditation instruction through periodic offering of meditation classes. To be added to our Yahoo! group, and receive notice of Insight Chicago’s schedule, events and other Chicago area Buddhist events, go to our website, (link below) and click on Mailing List. For additional information and to speak to a knowledgable sangha member, please contact Ellen McCammon or 312. 493-9015.
Insight Chicago is part of the Prairie Sangha Network.
Prairie Sangha Network
A network of sanghas in the Illinois and Indiana area, of which Insight Chicago is a part. The Prairie Sangha is located in Urbana, founded by dharma teacher, Sandra Hammond. The Prairie Sangha Network’s website is full of great information, including sitting locations, schedules, general information about Buddhism and teachings.
Liberation Park, Norwalk, WI
Founded by former monk Santikaro and dharma teacher and recently relocated from Oak Park, IL to southwestern Wisconsin. Website:
Insight Meditation Society
Meditation retreats for the cultivation of awareness and compassion, Barre MA.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Woodacre, CA.
Teachings Available On-line:
Access to Insight
Readings in Theravada Buddhism.
Dharma Seed
Preserving and sharing the oral tradition of western Buddhist vipassana teaching. and where you can listen directly to teachings online.